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1870 Alpaca Way Irvine

New York, 92614. US

Monday - Friday

8.00 Am - 17.00 Pm

+2 650-603-0553

ABOUT powerlegal

A Passion For Justice. The Experience For Win.

Since launching, our firm has grown significantly. Our expanding team includes over 40 lawyers and chartered executives with a combined expertise in divorce law, financial law and the more sensitive cases which enables us to provide the best family law service in the South West, and beyond.

Our Vision

Whatever success looks like for you, we have the capabilities to meet any legal challenges that come along

Our Mission

We have a leading international team of partners and lawyers offering expertise across a range

why choose us

No More Worries,
You Can Trust Our Lawyers.

Our firm is focused on our clients’ demands for an exceptional legal service model that provides value. We understand that, for clients, value is not a mere hourly rate comparison.

The Best Quality

PoweLegal always works with the criteria for top quality work. the discipline and profession

Legal Experience

We have the best skilled lawyers with many years of background knowledge and experience.

Award & Certificate

It's ideal for hanging on any wall in your law firms' office. Your clients will notice it are they trying

Dedicated Advice

No matter how big or small my clients are, I advise them on the best way to find a winning solution
1 %

Number Of Times Won

We always strive to win for our customers even in the most difficult cases

1 %

Happy Customer

Our customers put their trust in us and we did not let them down

my expertise

Legal Practice Areas

If you are accused of committing a crime, you will need the very best criminal defense attorneys in Fresno. We are especially skilled in the following practice areas

What Clients Say

When you hire our firm to manage your case, you have hired a team of legal advocates who care, who will keep you informed, who will fight for you

hands-on experience

Recent Case Studies

Our commitment and dedication to continually move forward enables us to improve our representation and provide you with a service you can’t find anywhere else.

All الفن التشكيلي جاليريات مقتنيات فنية

بيع اللوحات الفنية

بيع اللوحات الفنية 1. اختيار الأعمال الفنية المناسبةحدد اللوحات التي تليق بالمعرض أو السوق المستهدف.اختر مجموعة متنوعة من الأعمال لإرضاء…

تنظيم المعارض الفنية

تنظيم المعارض الفنية تنظيم المعارض الفنية هو عملية تخطيط وإعداد فعالية تهدف إلى عرض الأعمال الفنية للجمهور، سواء كانت لوحات،…

ترويج المعارض

ترويج المعارض كيف نروج لمعارضنا الفنية؟نحن نؤمن بأن الفن هو وسيلة للتواصل والتعبير عن الذات، لذلك نعمل على الترويج لمعارضنا…

الترويج للفنان وعمله الفني

الترويج للفنان وعمله الفني ترويج الفنان التشكيلي وعمله الفني يتطلب استراتيجية متعددة الجوانب تدمج بين التسويق التقليدي والرقمي، وتستهدف جمهورًا…

تقييم الأعمال الفنية

تقييم الأعمال الفنية إن تقييم الأعمال الفنية يعد عملية معقدة ولكنها ضرورية لتقديم تقييم دقيق وجاد للأعمال التي تعرضها. إليك…

عمار خماش

عمار خماش معماري، ومصور، ومصمم، وخبير ترميم مباني قديمة، تخرج عمار خماش في كلية الهندسة – جامعة جنوب لويزيانا بالولايات…
we are Free Consultation 24/7

We Always Do Our Best For Your Justice

If you have questions for our experts, just leave a request or contact us by contact phone +2 650-603-0553

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“ We will answer you within 24 hours via email, or you can call us directly, we are always ready to serve. Thank ”

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    Frequently asked questions

    Client Popular Question

    Power Legal

    Our Orange County personal injury lawyers have a long history of helping the injured. Since we opened our doors in 1986, we have negotiated and litigated to secure the best possible results for every client. Our hard work resulted in considerable recoveries.

    Frequently asked questions

    Client Popular Question

    Do you charge for a consultation?

    We never charge for an initial consultation. At the free initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your potential case, the legal process and answer any questions you may have.

    What about out-of-pocket fees?

    We never charge for an initial consultation. At the free initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your potential case, the legal process and answer any questions you may have.

    Who will work on my case?

    We never charge for an initial consultation. At the free initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your potential case, the legal process and answer any questions you may have.

    Does it matter how long I wait to file a lawsuit?

    We never charge for an initial consultation. At the free initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your potential case, the legal process and answer any questions you may have.

    How much can I expect to win?

    We never charge for an initial consultation. At the free initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your potential case, the legal process and answer any questions you may have.

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